Chickens 🐔

Thursday, September 29, 2016

respect my authority

when people respect my authority is when they actually care for mean, when they actually ask for you like your family friends etc but some

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mistakes for presidents

What I observed was that trump wants to reduce taxes the that hilary clinton went out very strong about her self  she wants to bulid an economy that works for everyone thats mean we need more business more jobs with rising income ,our country is losing she wants to go back and fixs everything so that people can be equal to each other

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

my analysis (book)

the theme to my book tell me how nature is and how life can be hard or good the tone is very relaxs it tells us how the author is very amazed with his audience, the diction to this story is very precised. they author organizes the store for his reader can under stand  

First impression (

my impression to this story seems like it will be very interesting to read

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My yoda

my big queston was why are thing complicated ? i think because people make it seem very hard

my big question discipline

why are things complicated ? i think because you think to much, its always on your mind you have stress ,    why is everything so easy ? because you get you stuff done , you relaxs ,

Monday, September 19, 2016

Fall vocab #4

intermittent - not continous or steady 
I felt the intermittent that came 

ebb-the movement of the tide of the sea 
The tide would be the edd 

regress- return to a former or less developed state 
You are   to regress the practice of hw 

tendency- a type of behavior 
There was a strong tendency on her part 

antiseptic -substance that prevents the growth of disease uasing micoorginism 
There are many antiseptic diseases 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Vocab #3

coherent - a argument / logical consistent 
Some people have choherent with each other

belabor- argue or elaborate in excessive 
If your just going to continue to belabor im going home 

eschew-avoid using 
Most people appealed to the crowd to eschew violence 

acquisitive-excessively interested 
His acquisitive wife has left him in another city 

emulate-match or surpass 
Lesser men trying to emulate this greatness 

banal-so lacking in originality as to obvious and boring 
Songs with banal 

excoriation- harsh criticism 
Most people like to excoriation 

congeal- solid or coagulate , especially by cooling 
The blood had congealed into blobs 

carping- difficult to please  
Silenced the carping critics 

substantiate-provide evidence to support or prove the thruth 
Some police cant find substantiate 

temporize-avoid making a decision or committing 
We missed because the man temporized 

largesse-generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others 
Dispensing his money with such largesse 

tenable-able to be maintained or defended against attack 
Approch in no longer tenable 

insatiable- impossible to satisfy 
An insatiable hunger for success 

reconnaissance- military observation of a region to locate 
Some military are reconnaissance

germane- relevant to a sudject 
Some germane is relevant 

ramify- from branches or offshoots 


Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeries

My grade toward this essay  was a B i really thought i was going to get a bad grade because i didnt really explain the details but hey thats how i learn from my mistake i think i will accomplish this by the end of the year i feel really good right now because your an amazing teacher well i think i have more blogs then more people in this class because i care and i want to be successful and i really think i should earn atleast a b+

Thursday, September 8, 2016

literature analyses #1

1. the plot of the novel is about a 13 year old girl. her name is Stephanie venable her and her family moved to Caroline from Kentucky in 1780 to have a better life and to have great adventure for there own good

2. the theme is about a family that wants a better life so they move to another state to have more opportunity like raising crops but her family is in bad condition they will need to fight to have freedom

3. based on the authors tone i have read so far it seems like sometimes she feels very curious because she doesn't know whats coming on her way all she wants  is a great life every morning when light come she get up and sees her window  she would wake up with goose bumps there life style is interesting it was like they've been farming there whole life and growing up with animals was mostly there most important job of the day